San Holo 的首张专辑。由于是首张专辑,所以宣传力度也很大,也有巡回演出(主要在美国,荷兰、加拿大、澳大利亚也有)。总而言之是我个人非常喜欢的一张专辑。
San Holo 专门用了一期 Podcast 来播放整首专辑:
在此期 Podcast 前他这么说:
Hey everyone. This is San Holo, and welcome to Bitbird Radio episode #23. Today's episode is gonna be kind of different. It's gonna be all about "Album 1", my debut album that I just dropped. It's been a long time coming. I'm so excited it's finally out. I can't wait for you guys to listen to it for one that's exciting overgang-doing episode. I'm just gonna play the album from front to back, and I hope it takes on your journey. I hope you feel something. I hope it mean something to you. You can hate it, you can love it, who knows? As long as you feel something. And that's what it is all about to me. The thing I loved the most about music and art in general, is the ability to shape people to who they are. I feel like a big part of "who I am" today. It's a result of all the people, music and art that I've come across throughout the years. It really shaped my entire life. And, I hope this album can be a little piece of your life as well. One of the most exciting part of making music to me, is expanding my own tastes and giving listeners an opportunity to expand theirs. I hope this album can build up for some of you guys. "Album 1", will showcase my love to all kinds of music from EDM to classical, to M-in music, uh it's all in there. You know what I... what I wanted to do is just... listen to it all the way through. And let me know what you think. Let me know how it makes you feel. Let me know what your favorite song is. Hit me upon Twitter and tell me all about it. I really like to know what my listeners think when listening to my album. So thank you all very much for supporting me throughout the years and this album for me is a mouth, so cause... you know it's my debut album, feel very special to me and very close to my heart. Enjoy.
(由 Outvi 听写,可能有莫名其妙的感知错误,望见谅)